Small Group Strength Training Just For Women

780 Canboro Rd, Fenwick, ON

We welcome Women of all ages and fitness levels into a comfortable and private training studio where they can focus on their Health and Fitness goals without feeling intimidated or discouraged.

It's not easy trying to filter through the clutter of the Fitness Industry and most Women have no idea where to start and what to expect.

We focus a lot on Mindset, and changing our perspectives so we can achieve our goals the healthiest ways possible.

In a Small Group setting we can still have your individual needs met, get clear what your unique path will look like, while you enjoy the energy and motivation of a Group Setting with like minded Women all trying to achieve the same thing... a healthier, stronger body and mind, that is built for longevity, resiliency and optimal health.


Power Start Introductory Offer

Introductory Offer

New to Beautiful Mind Boutique Fitness Studios? Receive a 14 Day Pass for only $49. Join as many Sessions as you like and come feel awesome with us! Energy Boosted, Feeling Stronger, Guaranteed!


*** Don't forget to Grab Your 8 WEEK SESSION CLASS PASS HERE !


Please Note*** Session times may change based on Season/Enrolment or New Programming or Member Requests. To request a session or time please email Sarah at [email protected]

or TEXT 289 687 1058

*** Help us Create our Fall/Winter Schedule by filling out our Survey at the top of the page!

Are You Ready To Pump Up Metabolic Burn?

The All-In-One Session to give you the proven tools to ramp up overall calorie burn and to finally trigger more fat burn, more inches loss and to keep these results long term. Starting strong on a Monday ensures you are focused and accountable each and every week.

Members will enjoy a 20 Minute Workout, A 15 Minute Stretching and Relaxation Segment, and a 20 Minute Group Coaching Session where we Set up a Clear Path to reaching our goals together. We set up realistic expectations each week for Nutrition, Mindset, Exercise Goals, as well as track and measure our progress and keep moving forward together.

This session will be running 6 weeks at a time.


November 4TH- Dec 9TH

*** This Program also includes Special Discounts on extra sessions and classes.

RSVP now for our Nov 4th Start by OCT 12TH

Reserve by OCT 12th $210 ($35/w)

After OCT 12th ~ $240 ($40/w)

Text Sarah Today to Reserve or to receive some more information 289 687 1058!

Spots will go fast, So Don't Delay what could be a huge game changer with your Metabolism Boosting Goals this Fall!

It's Time To Shift That Body! Join Our Body Composition Shifting Program and Reach Specific Fat Loss Goals By Getting Stronger and Eating For Success!

When It comes to learning how to build a Healthier and Leaner Body, and incorporating systems for long term success, you have to make sure you are on a Program where you are tracking your progress, getting Coaching Support and levelling up at the right times to avoid a plateau. We have all ages and fitness levels in this group so please don't be intimidated by the word "Lift". Lifting is essential for anyone at any age for longevity, physically and mentally.

You need a specific road map to morph your body into a calorie burning machine where your body starts to use what you put into it instead of storing it as extra body fat. Many Women going through a hormonal shift, like Peri or Post Meno Pause are leaning that what used to work for them no longer works. The Quick fixes are a thing of the past and now in order to prevent or to reverse hormonal weight gain, they need a new path and a new way forward. They need to start looking at the bigger picture now that will yield long term results. They also want tools at their fingers tips and to get educated on how to make this a successful, enjoyable journey. They want to get results sooner, but they want to make sure it's done right, the health way. No more long intense workouts and restrictive eating plans, which not only add more cortisol to a Women's body (especially during the Meno Shift) but these things also keep the metabolism functioning a low level creating more fat storage down the road. We need to shift our body out of this Mindset and Relearn how to tell your body to "BURN" instead of STORE". I hope to see you in one of these sessions enjoying our Daily Weight Training Circuits and Starting a Healthier Journey to getting Stronger.


*** Download our Fall Schedule Above for updated Session Times.






11am-12:30pm Monday-Saturday

Get on our List to Try our New EXPRESS CIRCUIT PROGRAM

This is perfect for those that have a busy schedule, and only have a short period of time to drop in and get their workouts in as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You save time, and money and you'll work through our Shape Shift Program at your convenience.

All you need to do is show up between the times below and start your Circuit Routine. You'll move from station and station, and do as many rounds as you like (2-5).

A Trainer will be there to assist where needed.

Choose an all Access Daily Pass or Choose To Select Certain Days If you like.


Get Moving With Low Intensity Interval Training Small Group Personal Training Session

This is a great session for those that don't want to focus on weight training, but know they need improve their overall strength and Cardiovascular fitness.

Because this is low intensity, it shouldn't trigger a high stress response in your body like High Intense workouts can, especially if you are in your Peri or Post Menopausal Phases where bodies can be more stress sensitive. This circuit gets the job done, but while being kind to your body and not causing over training syndrome or triggering extreme fatigue like higher level workouts can. MORE isn't always BETTER, it's time to do workouts that work with your body, not against it.

Members work through a Fun Fitness Circuit using a Variety of Fitness Equipment with Short Periods of Work and Rest. Members can work at their own pace, and their own fitness level and see amazing health benefits like lowered Blood Pressure and Resting Heart Rate, Boosted Energy and Mood, as well as a healthier body composition when participating a couple of times per week or adding it onto their current exercise or training activities. Come and boost your health, have fun in a small group setting and conquer your goals!


PURCHASE A PASS HERE and join us a couple of times per week

Just You and Your Body, Working Together!

Just because there is a ton of talk about "WEIGHT TRAINING" doesn't mean we should rule out BODY WEIGHT WORKOUTS!

Body Weight Workouts can be a great place to start OR it can be a great way to improve Sport Performance, OR compliment your Existing Training Routine.

Do you know what's even better?

Not getting lost in a huge class and still getting that Personal Support in a group of 6-8 members.

We have modifications ready to go If your just starting out, or we have ways to level up your training based on what your goals are.

We work though a full body circuit with periods of work to rest so you get to work AT YOUR OWN PACE.

Trust me, your body will get stronger on it's own, your rarely need to push it out the max.

These circuits are great for overall body strength but really focus a lot on Legs and Core, due to the fact that we don't use weights.

This class can also be a great way to open up the body and deepen your movements, tighten and tone your core and build more stability into your movement routine. Don't be intimidated by the work BOOT CAMP, it's truly YOUR SESSION and YOUR BODY. YOU DO YOU!



Looking for more of a slow burn? Slower movements? Slower Pace? Some Stretching and Toning All In One?

Sometimes we just don't want the Hype. We want a quiet place to come that's both beneficial and relaxing. The will open the body to great movement and strength but still have us feeling relaxed and refreshed at the same time.

This is perfect if you love this kind of fusion class. We use light weights and bands and work our body using very slow repetitions which can actually have a very positive effect on muscle activation, balance and stability. We focus on breathing through each movement and tuning into where we feel each exercise, as well as improving our range of motion. Relax with our Super Chill playlist and leave feeling less stressed, more focused and more balanced overall, mind and body.



Hi, My name is Sarah Rose, I am a Certified Personal Training Specialist, Health Coach, and Thai Manual Therapist. I have been helping Women since 2016 feel more confident , healthier and stronger through basic training programs and simple nutrition changes that are easy to implement and centered around the results they want to achieve.

Together we work on building healthy habits week by week and adjusting our plan when important events come up like special occasions and vacations.

It's important to build a lifestyle that is sustainable long term for the best results that last. Make it a lifestyle you'll never have to worry about quitting, and your results will come a lot easier.

My background experience revolves around sports like Dance, Baseball, Hockey, Martial Arts just to name a few.

My Education Starts in Public Education for 16 years working with Children with Mental Health and Developmental Challenges. From there fostering a new Journey Around Women's Health to beat the effects of long term Chronic Stress, Trauma, Depression and Anxiety as a Certified Personal Training Specialist, a Stress Resiliency Coach and a Thai Manual Therapist also known as Thai Massage or Thai Yoga Stretch Therapy. (More Info on This Below)

I also decided to Dig Deep into The Journey of the Menopausal Shift so I could further help Women who are struggling with unpleasant symptoms like unwanted weight gain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, low motivation as well as difficulties with Thermo Regulation (sweats and flashes) poor appetite control and other things that can feel debilitating. But this doesn't have to mean Women are defeated. Women can feel empowered and use this phase as a means to bounce back healthier and stronger than ever!

We only have one body, and one life and we need to look after it.

With new Health risks creeping up as we age, it's important to be one step ahead by being proactive, but we must also be smart about how we reach our goals. Join me and my vision for Women's Health at any age. Knowledge is Power and Health is the key to longevity.

Love yourself, love the journey and your body will love you back :)

Read Sheiley's Story Here...

Before I joined Sarah's Shape Shift Program, I was Feeling discouraged but wanted to improve my diet and lose 10 lbs.

I learned about perseverance, the importance of eating a balanced diet and staying consistent with exercise.

I became more focused on weekends, adding exercise and watching what I was eating and portion control. These factors made a huge difference in my results.

Having knowledge about the food choices you make and how different exercises affect your body has made a huge difference in the way I see Exercise and Nutrition now.

I feel more positive now with the loss of extra body fat and inches. My body is Finally Shifting and I feel way better in my clothes. I even tried on a pair of pants the other day that haven't fit me in a while and they finally fit again. I am feeling Stronger now and my Endurance has improved drastically.

Thank you Sarah!

UPDATE: Shelley continued with Shape Shift and Joined for another 8 Weeks for the 2.0 Series and lost another 12 lbs.

The Online Program Materials and tools have helped her stabilize her results and maintain what she has worked so hard for.

The program materials and lesson access has allowed her to access any lesson she wants based on where she is at to help guide her through each training phase.

As of February 9th/2023- her total weight loss has been 27 lbs. She is truly dedicated and committed to this program and follows the plans, as well as tracks her nutrition based on her weekly stats.

Read Beth's Story Here:

I didn’t have health and fitness goals before I started The Shape Shift Program. I was frustrated because I couldn’t always keep up with my kids. I didn’t have motivation to exercise on my own and didn’t know what exercises would help. When I started, my main goal was to feel better.

Learning the exercises helped me the most. I would never have known what exercises to put together for the best results. Sarah's positive guidance encouraged me to challenge myself realistically.

I started working at 10am instead of 9am so I could do my workout first, after my kids were at school.

I realize that if I want to feel good and enjoy my life, I can’t ignore exercise and nutrition even when life gets busy. Many aspects of my daily life have improved. I am able to focus better on my work and feel more comfortable sitting in a chair when working. It is getting easier to relax my muscles because I am more in tune with my body.

I kept up with 4 workouts every week, even when I couldn’t make it to the studio because my son was home from school. The amount of weight I am able to lift increased more than I was expecting. At the end of 8 weeks, I did the yoga routine that I have been doing for 24 years, and it felt noticeably easier.

Read Tina's Story Here:

My health and fitness goal was to increase my strength, mobility and to improve my overall health. Being a busy Mom with kids in multiple sports, working full time  and the list goes on… I put everyone else’s needs before me. Doing this program helped shift my mindset to set my time for me in our family schedule.

Commitment, never giving up, to keep going,  the use of different exercises, and healthy eating are the driving forces behind the results I am achieving.

The Coaching support is helpful because sometimes you just need that to help motivate you, if you have a treat accept it and go back to healthy eating, don’t be hard on yourself as this is a life time journey not a quick fix.

Meal prepping, healthy eating, limiting white foods like pasta and sugar .. looking at ingredients to focus on eating healthy with less additives and sugar, walking 10,000 or more steps per day, my workouts with Sarah twice a week and just keep moving daily are the weekly changes that have made a huge difference.

Exercise and nutrition are life long goals. It’s important to set healthy routines as it helps with ageing and mobility. Move it or lose it. For awhile I didn’t think to exercise, I lost that part of me. It used to be a passion for me to be in the gym twice a day. This program is helping me get the old me back.

I have noticed an improvement in my overall health. I have lost 10 lbs and 15 inches since starting this program. I commit myself to these two workouts per week and I keep moving the other days. I feel more toned and I’m fitting into shirts I haven’t worn in so long! My back pain is hardly there anymore I’m finally feeling stronger.

Read Tanya's Story Here:

When Tanya Joined My Program Nov 2022, She was 145 lbs and 4'10. She wanted to feel good again and Shift Her Body Into a Healthier Composition for her Height. She is a business owner and a Busy Mom and needed her body to feel more energized, instead of feeling sluggish and heavy. She knew that if she didn't take action, the weight would keep creeping up. The quick fix programs would also cause weight gain as soon as she stopped them or went on vacations, so she knew she needed a healthier approach if she wanted long term results. 

Tanya Trained 3-4 times per week with the Shape Shift Program and started giving herself healthy breakfasts and protein snacks throughout the day. She followed the plan and completed the 1.0 to 2.0 Rounds as needed in order to reach her desired body weight. She knew this wasn't a quick fix, it was a solid solution that would allow her to experience long term results, not a yo-yo experience. 

Tanya is now enjoying a boost in energy, a metabolism that is functioning properly, and a new toned look with a healthy shape. She can go on vacation now, without the weight returning and was excited as she shopped for new size 4 clothes. 

Read Jean's Story Here:

Before I started Shape Shift, The only exercise I got was walking and some gardening. I was sometimes winded going up the stairs. My strength and muscles were weak and my balance was terrible.

The most helpful things I learned in the Shape Shift Program were that consistency with daily exercise and eating the right combination of macro nutrients trains your body to build muscle.

What made a huge difference for me was I incorporated a 20-30 strength training at least 4 times per week. I incorporated more good carbs and more protein in my diet. I switched to unsweetened oat milk, eat less bad carbs, and when I enjoy a day of extra calories then I do an extra activity like a bike ride.

From Shape Shift, I know now that It’s not enough to just exercise, as our bodies need the right combination of carbs and proteins and fats. I never paid any attention to the percentage of fat, carbs or proteins and now I am eating so my body is more efficient in how it makes muscle and burns fat.

After Shape Shift I can feel my body is a bit more firm and I feel more energetic. I can go up stairs more easily without feeling winded. My balance has improved . I can go on longer bike rides without feeling tired. I feel a bit more flexible compared to before the program. My arms are stronger as I was able to lift a heavier piece of furniture that I couldn’t before.

Read Charmaine's Story Here:

When Charmaine came to me she was concerned about her continual weight gain. She had achieved a transformation years ago but was not interested in going the "Extreme" route again. She remembered how sore and exhausted she was. She was also feeling deprived of things she enjoyed and although she was very successful, it wasn't something she could sustain.

She needed a plan that was friendlier with her body, and gentle with some of her new health issues. She was concerned with how this may have impacted her metabolism and how it was functioning, and that she may not be able to achieve very much with her program, but was still hopeful to give it a try knowing that she couldn't keep feeling the same way she was feeling either and had to start somewhere. 

As Charmaine started her program she knew she had to take it slow to ease her body back into training. She wasn't able to go as hard as she wanted to for about 2-3 weeks, But I passed her my Emergency Meal Plan that allowed her to still lose the inches, even though she couldn't train as hard. We kept her moving with her goals focusing on recovery and nutrition and she was able to eventually train the way she wanted too, add the extra weights to her routine, and feel accomplished. She did not quit when faced with a challenge, she focused on what she could and ended up losing 9 lbs in 8 weeks even with her setbacks.

Thai Massage & Thai Yoga Stretch Therapy


In this unique healing system of Thai Yoga Massage, also called Nuad Boran, the practitioner guides the client through a series of yoga postures, while palming and thumbing along the body’s energy (‘Sen’) lines and pressure points. Together these actions result in a comprehensive full body treatment that relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the immune system and balances the body energetically.

Thai Yoga Massage is performed on a mat on the floor; both client and practitioner are dressed in comfortable clothing allowing ease of movement and flexibility.


  • Aids deep relaxation. A Thai massage is incredibly relaxing. ...
  • Improved cardiovascular health. ...
  • Stress relief. ...
  • Improved quality of sleep. ...
  • Headache relief. ...
  • Reduced muscle tension. ...
  • Improved athletic performance.

Prenatal Thai Yoga Massage

Thai massage is a fully clothed therapy. Pregnancy drastically changes our bodies and women often feel vulnerable about the way they look and how their body changes shape. Keeping your clothes on can help you to relax into the experience, connecting you with your body at a time when it is undergoing massive transformation.

Thai massage is done on the floor on a futon rather than a massage table or couch. Being close to the floor allows you to feel grounded (connected to the earth), an essential component to feeling peaceful enough to deeply relax. Treatments are mostly given in a comfortable side-lying position with the support of bolsters and cushions for baby and mother to be. 

Take part in a Treatment that allows you to feel at ease during a very sensitive time. When you take time as a Mother-to-be, to reduce stress and relax, your baby will also feel calm and restful too. This is why a treatment like this is so important during this very precious time.